SARL - traduzione in Inglese
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SARL - traduzione in Inglese

Sarl; SARL (disambiguation)

LLC (Limited Liability Company), company limited, company restricted as to amount of liability, business or company organized in such a manner that its owners and shareholdrs are not personally, liable for debts or other business liabilities
society of limited responsibility, type of limited liability company with none-negotiable shares



SARL is an acronym with a few potential meanings:

  • South Australian Rugby League, governing body for rugby league football in South Australia
  • Société à responsabilité limitée (English: society of/with limited responsibility), a French name designating a type of business entity
  • Sociedade anónima de responsabilidade limitada (English: anonymous society of/with limited responsibility), a Portuguese name for a type of business entity
  • South African Radio League
  • The Spencer Art Reference Library, a library in the Nelson-Aitkens Art Museum in Kansas City, Missouri, United States
  • Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link, a rail link from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phaya Thai in Bangkok, Thailand
  • SARL agent-oriented programming language, a computer programming language.
  • SARL, An architecture of online laboratories.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per SARL
1. Belhadj et Saidi de Béjaia, de Corso ( Boumerd';s) ŕ la SARL INALCA Algérie, de Taher (jijel) ) la SARL ALCODIMEX, de Bouira ŕ la SARL BISTA et de Biskra ŕ la personne physique M.
2. A la Sarl Sopalux, spécialisée dans les produits cosmétiques, loriginalité est de mise.
3. Les SARL, précise lorateur, nont réalisé aucune opération commerciale depuis leur création.
4. La déception de Abdelaziz Kebab, directeur de la Sarl Optique industrielle, est palpable.
5. Egalement larticle 566 relatif aux SARL et aux EURL devrait faire lobjet du męme traitement.